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Nuneaton and Atherstone Update – May 2023

My son is a marine scientist, beekeeper and a bit of a computer geek, and is interested in
Artificial Intelligence. For a bit of fun, and as a demonstration of AI’s power, he asked it to
“write a poem about Julian (me) and bees”. In less than two seconds his laptop came up
with this …

Amidst the fields of flowers bright,
The buzzing bees take flight.
Guided by the sun’s golden rays,
They dance and work throughout the days.

And among them stands a man named Julian,
Who tends to his hives with care and passion.
He knows their ways and secrets too,
For he’s learned their dance and what they do.

He gathers honey from the comb,
A sweet reward for all his toil and roam.
And as he tends to his bees with love,
He thanks them for the gift from above.

For the bees are the guardians of our land,
Their work essential, their purpose grand.
And Julian, with his gentle touch,
Helps keep their world in balance and such.

Not bad for a first attempt, I thought.

Julian Hull