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Meet our new WBKA Chair and celebrate International Bee Day 20th May

Dear Members

My name is Jitesh Patel. Last month I became the new chair for the Warwickshire Beekeepers Association. I’ve been a beekeeper for roughly 14 years and have been a member of the Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham Association for that time. You may have seen me on some the Edco organised events, I’ve even volunteered at some of the BBKA events. I’ve been a swarm collector and trainer at the Sutton Park Apiary, and have contributed to the Warwickshire Magazine. I still consider myself to be learning the art of bee keeping.

I look forward to my tenure as your chair, and feel very proud to represent the Association, and would like to thank you for your support.

I’d like to tell you a little about World Bee Day.

20th May has been designated International Bee Day by the United Nations. It’s a day designated to promote all types of bees and the things they do.

To celebrate various events are being held across the world including within the United Kingdom. In Warwickshire, Sutton Park is holding a small event to mark the day and promote bees in general to the public.

Below are highlights of events that are being held nationally and internationally, that week.

Bees Abroad are holding events and lectures in the run up to International Bee Day including:

Sex and drugs and ecosystem Services with Prof Phil Stevenson on Tuesday 17th May 19:30

A Lecture on the History of Bee Keeping from Master BeeKeeper. Jane Ridler on Wednesday 18thMay 19:30

Bees abroad also have fun suggestions like dressing in yellow and black on the day. Use the link below to find out more and register for those talks.

To find out more about the United Nations’ Bees Day visit the following web sites:

Hope to meet you soon and if you want to contact me directly this is my official email is

Happy beekeeping!

Chair WBKA