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Entry for County Honey Show 2024

Warwickshire Beekeepers’ Association 2024 Honey Show 

Venue:  Kings Hill Nursery, Kings Hill Lane, CV3 6PS
Staging:  8am-9.30am
Judging:  10am-lunchtime
Show open:  2pm onwards
Presentations:  2.30pm
Removal of exhibits:  4.00pm

Please see the attached Schedule of classes

Schedule - Honey Show 2024 - FINAL

Online entries close on 21st September, but you can still enter on the day


Branch entries

This is an entry on behalf of a branch, not an individual (if you're unsure leave this blank)

Your details










Classes to enter

Class numberDescriptionEnter?
1Two 454g jars of light Honey
2Two 454g jars of medium Honey
3Two 454g jars of dark Honey
4Two 454g jars of Ling Honey
5Two 454g jars of naturally crystallised Honey
6Two 454g jars of creamed or soft set Honey
7Two sections containing Honey which may be square or round
8Two containers cut comb Honey each containing 200g minimum
9One shallow frame of Honey for extraction or for cut comb
10Six jars of Honey (min 227g, max 454g)
11One 75cl bottle of dry Mead
12One 75cl bottle of sweet Mead
13One 75cl bottle of Melomel or Metheglin or Cyser
14One plain cake of Beeswax
15Five Beeswax Blocks
16Two matching Beeswax Candles
17One Honey Cake to recipe
18One Honey Cake to own recipe
19Six small cakes or biscuits
20Gift Honey - one 454g jar of light Honey
Would you like to buy back?
21Gift Honey - one 454g jar of medium Honey
Would you like to buy back?
22Gift Honey - one 454g jar of crystallised or soft set Honey
Would you like to buy back?
23Composite Attractive Display
24An item of own design/self-constructed bee keeping equipment
25A Work of Art to include a beekeeping subject
26One photographic print
27Junior Entrant
28Novice - One 454g jar of light Honey
29novice - One 454g jar of medium or dark Honey
30Novice - One 454g jar of crystallised or soft set Honey
31Novice - One frame of Honey for extraction or for cut comb
32Novice - One cake of Beeswax
33Novice - one 75cl bottle of Mead
34Branch Composite Display
