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Warwick and Leamington Update – July 2022

Summer Successes

Summer is here and Warwick & Leamington Beekeepers are making the most of it. Here we highlight just two of the events we’ve enjoyed as the summer warms up. We celebrated our first Summer Barbecue in 3 years, on Saturday July 2nd, at Kings Hill Nurseries and were delighted to be joined by Jitesh Patel, Chair of Warwickshire Beekeepers.

The family friendly time began at 4.30 p.m. The joint cooking, eating, drinking and chatting together began in the sunshine and despite a brief shower It was a really special opportunity to catch up with friends. For the foodies among us, we were provided with delicious bread from Crustum, an artisan baker in Kenilworth.

Another highlight this summer was our award- winning success at the Kenilworth Show on 3 June. To have third party confirmation that we were the best small stand, the best platinum jubileethemed stand and the most interactive stand is very gratifying recognition of the effort involved.

We owe a massive thank you to those involved. It was a true team effort. They set up the stand in somewhat inclement conditions. Many braved the unseasonably cool temperatures during the day and many stayed longer to help than originally intended.

Special thanks go to Steve Poynter, who prepared the bees for the demonstration tent and transported them to the show. Dai and Karen Timothy did sterling work on the honey sales table. The new bee demonstration tent worked well (apart from a minor leakage of bees) and we arranged for three of the new beekeepers to assist at each of the demonstrations, ably showcasing their learning.

It’s been a long time since we have been able to share our passion for bees with each other and with the public. And there’s more to come – the Rowington Show and Ragley Game Fair. We hope they’ll be just as rewarding.

Suzanne Bennett