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Coventry Branch Update – May 2022

The New Training Apiary

This month started off on a sour note when it was discovered that someone had tried to break in to the new Coventry Branch Training Apiary at the London Road Allotment site. An attempt had been made to detach one of the metal fence panels around the boundary of the apiary by bending it away from the brackets holding it to the fence post. Thankfully, there was no sign of an attempt to get into the metal storage sheds on the site and all the hives were untouched and still in situ. The brackets have now been repaired and we must hope that whoever it was, doesn’t make a return visit or that if they do the bees will give them ‘what for’!

Members’ thoughts are now turning to the new inspection season and apiary manager. Dave Bonner is gathering a small group of enthusiastic members to assist him with weekly inspections at the training apiary on Sunday afternoonsfrom 2-5pm, weather permitting. These regular inspection sessions are particularly useful for our less experienced members to get involved with to expand their knowledge, raise any concerns they may have about their own colonies or generally chat about bees. Any Coventry members who are interested in joining this group, whether experienced or not, should contact Dave by email at

The first of these meetings was held over the Easter weekend and inspections were possible because of the excellent weather. Two overwintered nucs were doing well and Bailey comb changes were started on some colonies which were expanding rapidly. At the next meeting, Dave will demonstrate how to collect a sample of bees to inspect under the microscope from one of the colonies which is suspected of having Nosema ceranae.

In addition to the weekly inspections, there is also a monthly apiary meeting for all members to attend and this is usually on the third Sunday of the month. These meetings will involve inspections themed around colony management, apiary management tasks, equipment making, beekeeping chat, tea, coffee and biscuits. Please come along, support your Branch and enjoy yourselves amongst those who won’t be bored by bee talk!

The dates for your diary are;

As mentioned above, on the 19th June we are planning to hold the official opening of the Coventry Branch Training Apiary, which had to be postponed because of the Covid pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

  • Sunday 24th April – 2pm to 5pm (actually the 4th Sunday to avoid Easter)
  • Sunday 15th May – 2pm to 5pm. We will be joined by students from the beginners’ courses
  • which were held in September 2021 and February this year.
  • Sunday 19th June – This is the Official opening of the Apiary by the Lord Mayor of
  • Coventry – we hope this will be a big social event, supported by most CBKA members.
  • Sunday 17th July – 2pm to 5pm
  • Sunday 21st August – 2pm to 5pm – This is the last Apiary Branch meeting of the season.
The Coventry BKA Training Apiary (May 2021)

The Lord Mayor of Coventry has agreed to ‘cut the ribbon’ and a sub committee of members will be meeting very shortly to start organising the rest of the day’s events – we hope to make it a memorable occasion and hope that the event will be supported by as any Coventry members as possible, along with their families and friends.

Further information to follow next month. The apiary will certainly be a great asset to the Branch and is a tribute the hard work of a core of Branch members and the Coventry Branch Committee.

Julia Barclay